But, as a conclusion.
The movie inspired me this afternoon when I managed to take a short break from the busy crazy college life to watch it at home.
I love my home:)
FB status:
"If there's a must to make a decision whether to leave to pursue a bigger dream or stay for my family and friends, I think I would stay. Life seems long for us, so the things we pursue indeed are getting more to satisfy our needs, we tend to forget to appreciate the time we could have spent with our parents especially. Who am I here today without them? I wonder..Staring at my parents who never complain but just continue to work everyday, to earn money so as to raise me up.. Daddy Mummy, you are too important to me. I feel grateful. Thank God."
And my dad he is my best friend, not just my dad. He loves me very much.As in?
Saturday night he would ask me:" Girl, what you want to eat for tomorrow breakfast? I go pasar or any coffee shop near by dabao for you lor..."
In the Morning, he would wake me up for breakfast with the foods he bought on the dining table."
And I am so bad sometimes when I don't feel to get up from bed and pretend I din hear anyone calling me from downstairs...(eiyerr....IyeePoonn...Too bad lah you)
And he knows I can't live without fruits. Hahaha (I am a health conscious person for your info..) So the freeze would be filled with plenty of fruits every Sunday! Ohoo. Grapes, dragon fruits, oranges, kiwi, apples...I love all these :P hehee
Yes. I used to be so ignorant. I hurt them. I just do even I know what I did hurt them very much.
I hanged out with friends, and the craziest ever I think, I went to sleep on the grasses at Putrajaya in the midnight with few of my close friends. Haa? Woww. I can't believe it... I did.
I din even bother to answer my parents' phone call. So bad huh? Yea I was :(
I dun like to answer phone call or even sms during that time. I love freedom more than everything.
I wanted to leave my home and stay alone. and I told my mom that.
She said, "Girl, you are too young, I bet you will sure change your mind soon.."
I doubt. I insisted I won't.
But now...Haha. See.. She is right..
Being a Christian changed me a lot. God he makes me grow more n more every day in His plan.
Feel so thankful for Him and YPF..:)
Real world seems a new task for me lately. Humility? Yea I feel a lil fed up seeing some fake people.
Time to leave.
Good Night :)
http://faith-iyee.blogspot.com/ -updated.

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